Sleep Coach Your Baby For Your Marriage!
Having a baby brings many, many changes to the dynamic of a marriage relationship. There is suddenly a small being who demands and requires constant attention. And while this is amazing on many levels, that means a lot of our other relationships go to the wayside, including our significant other.
But I truly believe we can’t allow this to go on for too long. What can happen is that the relationship we have with our spouse begins to boil down to a business partnership. Having great teamwork with a spouse is awesome, but if that is all there is…..we have a problem.
While I was growing up, I remember my parents had regular date nights. I don’t exactly remember how often or if it was on a certain schedule but I do remember it was fairly regular. They would go to dinner or a movie, or both, while we played with a babysitter. We had fun sitters! I remember one girl played the flute (since she was in high school band) and she would bring it for us to try. Bless her for letting us spit all over her flute! I remember another sitter who had a sticker collection that I envied with all my 5-year-old heart! If I was lucky she would give me a sheet of them before the night was up.
First off, a lack of sleep makes us lose our patience, not only with our children but also with our spouse! Suddenly they are grating on our every nerve! Why do they change the diaper like that? Don’t they see that I need to shower? Why did they put mustard on my burger?
Such trivial things begin to drive us mad.
Then there come the sleeping arrangements. I see many, many families who are, what I call, re-actively co-sleeping. They are co-sleeping with their baby because nothing else works. It wasn’t their original idea or intent, but being desperate for even a little sleep, they slip into it. I have seen spouses very resentful of this fact. Some Moms even tell me they prefer sleeping with their baby rather than their husband.
Now, let me back up and say, that people who make the decision to safely co-sleep and they have a spouse who is on the same page, is fine. But the issue I see is that many spouses have been kicked out of bed. They are sleeping on a couch or in another room.
This is where a marriage can slowly start heading off into a partnership realm.
Our children need to learn how to love and how to sustain relationships, even amidst challenges. Children benefit when a marriage is strengthened. Think of it as investing in their emotional health.
Now go cuddle with your spouse!