So lets talk about Sleep Myth #2
Keeping a baby/child up later at night will make them sleep in.
This is one that I hear and see all the time! While on the surface it makes sense we have to remember that when it comes to sleep we have to think biologically not logically.
If we allow our children to become overtired they release a hormone called Cortisol, which is similar to adrenaline. This hormone makes it very hard for them to fall and stay asleep. Babies sleep better, longer, and cry less if they are put to bed early in the evening. Babies who go to sleep late in the evening are often “over tired”, even though they seem to have energy. A typical and healthy bedtime, depending on how they napped during the day is between 6-8 pm. A lot of parents are hesitant to put their babies down this early because they don’t look tired. This is exactly what we want! By the time a baby/child starts to show obvious sleepy signs we have waited too long. We want them to be in a nice quiet calm state. This will allow their brain and body to accept sleep and allow it to come instead of fighting it tooth and nail.
Actually, if you have a child who wakes early, a lot of times by putting them down for bed EARLIER will help this. A child that is overtired has a hard time making the transition from one sleep cycle to another. Once we get into lighter stages of sleep in the early morning hours they are unable to make the transition and just wake up instead.
So the key is, make sure your child has a reasonable bedtime!
Sleep Myth #2…BUSTED!
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