We all know that naps are very helpful for our little ones, but they might be even more important than we first thought!
Check out this new study on Medical News Today’s web site
I love this quote!
“Just like good nutrition, adequate sleep is a basic need that gives children the best chance of getting what is most important from the people and things they experience each day,” said LeBourgeois of the integrative physiology department.
I try and remind parents of this fact. We would never think if depriving our kids of food and we should view sleep the same way! So here’s to naps!
Meet you in Dreamland!
My son is 15 months old. The past few weeks I have been trying to transition him from two naps a day, to one. Its really hard, somedays he will be ready for his one nap at noon ( the correct time ) and then other times, he gets really sleepy too early around 10 am, so when I let him fall asleep early…. he wakes up at noon, and then his whole schedule is thrown off. Some days will be a two nap day. Some days will be a one nap day. I try to keep it consistent. But you need to be flexible when it comes to babies. My son is an early riser also. I just can’t wait for his sleep to become more fixed and predictable. I have my own website dedicated to baby sleep as I am also trying to figure out this problem myself 🙂